Because of the geographical environment, Mauritius is rich in sea by-products. But, besides selling them directly, is there another method to make profits from them? On 15th February 2024, a Mauritius customer inquired about it. For this YUSHUNXIN remmmoned you mix with manure waste to make organic fertilizer. According to actual conditions of the client,  we sent  a 3 t/h pan granulator line to make chicken poop fertilizerand fish waste. The following are the specific details of communication in this case:

Can we make organic fertilizer from chicken manure and fish waste?

Of course. For one thing, both chicken manure and fish waste has rich n, p, k elements, which are necessary for fertilizer making and crops growth. For another, fertilizer that making from algae also contains abundant trace elements and amino acids. So the project of producing algae based fertilizer is an excellent option.

Animal manure materials for organic fertilizer production

Learn more about alage fertilizer production

How to make fertilizer from chicken poop and fish waste with 3TPH ouput?

Because the Mauritius customer cannot determine what kind of chicken manure fertilizer to produce. So we offer him 2  organic fertilizer making plans: Powdery and granular organic fertilizer manufacturing systems.

Simpler process to turn chicken poop and fishwaste into fertilizer

For simpler process and lower investment in 3 t/h chicken manure fertilizer production project, we recommend you buy our powdery organic fertilizer making system. Only need 6 steps, you can turn seaweed and manure mixture into quality fertilizer. Including water removing, composting, batching, crushing, screening and only needs an area of 800-1000 ㎡ and cost of $30,000-$40,000.

Making organic fertilizer granules from chicken manure and fishwaste

But, if you want to prepare high quality chicken waste  fertilizer and make more profits, you can choose our organic fertilizer granulation system. It needs to add mixer, granulator, dryer and cooler on the basic of powdery fertilizer plan. Therefore, an 3 t/h chicken manure fertilizer granulation plant needs a 3,000㎡ area. And you need to prepare a budget of $110,000-$140,000.

Tip: Before composting, it is advisable to crush fish waste into smaller particles. For this, double shaft shredder is an ideal choice. Large strength and stainless steel blades make it crush the hard material quickly and easily.

Double shaft shredder for fertilizer making

How to satar the small scale organic fertilizer production at a low cost?

After getting the design and quote of use chicken manure and fishwaste as fertilizer project, the Mauritius client told us that he prefers to fertilizer granule making, but needs a lower investment design. With a small scale output, it is 3 t/h. For this, you can buy an organic fertilizer granulation system, which only contains groove type compost turner, vertical crush, pan granulator and packing equipment. The prices of these chicken manure fertilizer machines are only $87,635.

How to remove stones in chicken manure fertilizer production?

Finally, customer from Mauritius asked us if there is a method to remove stones during the process of making chicken manure fertilizer? There are usually many small stones in chicken manure waste material. Here, you can add screen equipment after crusher. It will sieve out stones from chicken poop compost powder.

Screen for removing stones during fertilizer making

The above are details about our communication with the customer about how make chicken poop fertilizer with fish waste in Mauritius. If you want to make sea by-products with manure waste into fertilizer, welcome to contact us for your own sea product fertilizer production project design. Moreover, we also can offer you suitable solutions for making fertilizer from animal manure, agricultural waste, biogas residue or chemical materials such as N, P, K.

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