For those who want to produce organic fertilizer with a richer nutrient content, bio fertilizer manufacturing is an ideal choice. On 5th June 2023, a customer from the United States inquired about how to make bio fertilizer. This client planned to use cattle manure, biogas-slurry, ricebrand or husks, tithonia diversifolia leaves, cassava dregs and azotobacter as raw materials. And the output is about 60 tons per day. But he hesitated whether to produce powder organic fertilizer or granular?

How to produce powdery bio fertilizer from cattle manure?

If you want to make biofertilizer in the United States in a simple way or at a low cost, we recommend you prepare biofertilizer in powder form. In this process, you only need to complete the following 5 steps:

Windrow compost turner for small scale bio fertilizer fermentation


Turning raw materials piles to facilitate composting process to kill harmful substances in fertilizer. Then because of 60 t/d capacity, we recommend you use windrow composting turner.

Forklift feeder for powdery biofertilizer making


Then you need to transport organic waste compost to load type feeder. Which can feed bio fertilizer material at the required speed and without blocking.

Semi-wet material crusher


Next, the most important step, crushing compost into fine powder bio fertilizer. But cattle manure has high moisture, so choosing semi-wet materials shredder is an excellent option.

Compost screener for powder bio fertilizer production


In addition, screening also plays an important role in bio fertilizer production. Rotary screener can remove waste, like stones, rocks, cigarette butt, etc from powder biofertilizer. So the purity of final fertilizer is improved.

Small scale automatic organic fertilizer packaging machine for sale


Finally, packing finished powder biofertilizer. In SX, for capacity of 60 t/h, single bucket automatic bagging machine is the best choice. Both for organic fertilizer production and bio fertilizer making.

Can the system make 10 tons of biochar per hour?

What equipment is used in 60 t/d bio fertilizer granule production line?

When you want to turn cattle manure, biogas-slurry, ricebrand or husks, tithonia diversifolia leaves, cassava dregs and azotobacter into bio fertilizer in the United States, you also need equipment of granulation, drying and cooling, coating equipment, etc on the basis of biofertilizer powder making.

Bio fertilizer granulator

Because the customer from the United States wanted to produce 60 tons of bio fertilizer per day. We recommend him purchase new type granulator or flat die extrusion pelletizer. The former has a granulation rate of 97% and can process 2-5 mm with a higher hardness. However, you need a more economical biofertilizer pelletizer, you can choose the latter. It adopts dry granulation method and doesn’t need drying and cooling.

Fertilizer drying and cooling machines installation

Dryer and cooler

If you use new type granulation equipment to make bio fertilizer, dryer and cooler is necessary. They can reduce the moisture content of bio fertilizer pellets to below 10%. This means lower possibility of pulverization, so the produced bio fertilizer is more convenient for transportation and storage.

Coating equipment

In granular bio fertilizer manufacturing process, coating machine is essential. For one thing, it can be used to add a protective film to the pellets. This makes bio fertilizer have a longer storage time and effect. For another, you can use it to add biology.

Coating machine for better fertilizer granules making

In sum up, a complete 60 t/d bio fertilizer granulation line consists of windrow composter, batching machine, semi-wet materials crusher, powder screener, mixer, new type/ flat die granulator, pellets sieve, (dryer and cooler), coating machine, automatic packaging scale and belt conveyor.

How much does a 5 t/h biofertilizer pellet making line cost?

When is it suitable to add azotobacter in the bio fertilizer making process?

As mentioned above, this American client planned to use azotobacter to make biofertilizer. Azotobacter uses organic matter in the soil as a carbon source and converts it to plant-usable combined nitrogen to facilitate the growth of crops and plants. However, will the above steps have negative impacts on azotobacter?

When is it suitable for adding microbiology? In order to prevent azotobacter from high temperature killing, we recommend you add bacteria after composting during powder biofertilizer manufacturing. How about making granular biofertilizer? It is advisable to add microorganism after rotary drying.

The above are details about our communication with the customer about bio fertilizer making in the United States. In addition, we can also provide you with many other fertilizer making business plans. Such as organic fertilizer production plan, NPK fertilizer making line, etc.

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