In Peru, animal husbandry plays an important role in agricultural business. Many farmers do it for a living. But for better poultry and livestock breeding, it is necessary to create a clean environment to prevent parasites and infectious diseases. In this process, animal manure disposal is an item you must focus on, especially when you operate a pig farm. Then how to dispose of pig poop in your farm? On 25th March 2023, the customer from Peru also inquired about this. We recommend the client to make swine into fertilizer. The following are the specific details of our communication in this case:
What is the best humidity of pig manure for organic fertilizer making?
The customer from Peru told us that his farm usually generates 300 m³ of pig poop per day, liquid and solid together. But excessive moisture content makes manure easier to attract parasites and is not suitable for organic fertilizer making. So separating solid from liquid is the first step for pig poop disposal. In this process, there are two things you must know:
Optimum humidity for dispose of pig poop into fertilizer
This client were doing this. But he asked us that what is the optimum water content for converting swine waste into fertilizer? Below 60%. Because when the moisture content of piggery manure is between 45% and 60%, you can make aerobic fermentation of pig poop better. Then you can remove absolutely harmful substances from manure.
How to separate solid swine manure from liquid quickly
However, the humidity of fresh pig manure can even reach over 90%. How to reduce the water content of manure fast? SX design special manure dewatering machines for you. They can help you separate solid pig dung from liquid quickly and reduce the water content to 30%-40%.
How to dispose of pig poop into organic fertilizer after dewatering?
Then this Peruvian client also wanted to know how the process is to make pig poop into organic fertilizer after dewatering. According to his requirements of simple process and low cost, we recommended him powdery organic fertilizer making line. In general, it consists of two stages as follows:
Making pig manure into compost fertilizer
As mentioned above, composting is process of eliminating the parasite, pathogens and grass seeds in piggery manure. In this way, you can produce quality organic fertilizer which can supply rich nutrients to crops without scathe. Here, it is necessary to buy suitable piggery manure compost equipment, which can help you make pig dung composting within 20 days.
Which composting machine is more suitable for you?
If you only plan to start a small pig manure composting, we recommend you choose windrow composting machine. But when you need a more economical manure composter, it is advisable to buy our groove type compost turner. Is there equipment for large scale fermentation of swine waste? The answer is yes. Wheel type compost machine is your best option.
Turning composted swine waste into powder organic fertilizer
But when you plan to prepare organic fertilizer from swine waste for commercial purposes, it is advisable to dispose of pig poop into powdery organic fertilizer. In this process, after dewatering and composting, it only needs four steps.
What is the cost of pig manure fertilizer production?
Finally, the client from Peru wanted to get the quote of the system which treat pig poop into powder organic fertilizer.
The above are details about our communication with the customer from Peru. In addition, besides the system for disposing of pig manure into powder organic fertilizer, we also can provide you with business plans for making pig manure compost into pellets. If you need them, please contact us immediately.